6 New & Effective Ways To Make Money On Twitter
Here are six effective ways that businesses and entrepreneurs have made money online using the social media platform ‘Twitter‘.
How To Make Money On Twitter
1. Use Twitter to Crowd Source products
You can use this idea to create income opportunities for your business by asking your followers for help with your products, allowing them to make an emotional investment and take part in the creation process. Then you need to reward them for responding.
2. Sell products
You can follow Dell’s lead and make your own followers aware of special deals, discounts and promotions to generate buzz, stimulate sales and make money on Twitter.
3. Generate leads and find customers
Like Miss Townsend, you can nurture relationships you build with your Twitter contacts: offer help to people when they need it, provide answers to questions they may have and contribute useful or interesting information. Then you can capitalize on these relationships by pursuing contacts who may have need of your products and services, converting them into customers.
4. Develop and sell Twitter-related products and apps
You could identify gaps in Twitter’s service offering and fill that with an app of your own. Your target market will consist of the entire Twitter user base. If your app or service fulfills a pressing need, you could charge people for downloading and using it. You may even create enough interest for investors, and sell your creation for a tidy sum.
5. Tweet for sponsors
All throughout the process, the tweeter has full control over his or her account, and may choose the wordings of the tweets, or may choose to reject the tweet altogether.
6. Hold a sponsored contest
Twitter contests have become quite popular. You could ride the wave of this emerging trend and make money on Twitter by organizing contests for local businesses, which will pay you for the service. There are several types of Twitter contests you can set up. You have already seen how KFC solicited the most creative answers. You could select winners through a random draw, organize a photo contest, award users who provide the best answer to questions and much more.
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